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Everything posted by Szymszym134

  1. Nudzi mi się więc zrobiłem mały szyfr do rozwiązania go i napisz a dostaniesz lege @Oliku
  2. Arena Walk: Zapdos/Whimsicott
  3. siema podanie na mistrz areny 1. gastrodon ability: StormDrain nature: Relaxed evs: hp/def mvs: icy wind recover muddy water earth power 2. kyogre ability: drizzle nature: quiet evs: spatk/speed mvs thunder Ice beam water spout origin pulse 3. hitmonlee ability: unburden nature: adamant evs: atk/speed mvs fake out blaze kick earthquake hi jump kick 4. incineror ability: intimidate nature: lonely evs: hp/atk mvs fake out earthquake flare blitz darkest lariat 5. goodra ability: sapsipper nature: quiet evs: hp/sp atk/atk mvs fire blast muddy water dragon pulse power whip 6. noivern ability: infiltrator nature: hasty evs: spatk/speed mvs heat wave dragon pulse hurricane draco meteor 7. loppuny mega ability: scrappy nature: hasty evs: atk/speed mvs fake out return hi jum kick ice punch 8. grimmsnarl ability: prankster nature: impish evs: hp/def mvs reflect light screen foul play spirit break 8.1 grimmsnarl ability: prankster nature: impish mvs fake out reflect light screen thunder wave 9. sceptile mega ability: overgrow -> lightning rod nature: jolly evs: atk/speed mvs rock tomb leaf blade aerial ace x-scissor 9.1 sceptile ability: unburden nature naive evs: spatk/speed mvs dragon pulse energy ball focus blast rock blast 10. volcarona ability: flame body nature: timid evs: spatk/speed mvs quiver dance fiery dance bug buzz giga drain 10.1 volcarona ability: flame body nature: naive evs: spatk/speed mvs quiver dance heat wave giga drain bug buzz
  4. szymszym134 robione w paint
  5. Szymszym134


    Witam proszę o urlop od wtorku 14.03 do czwartku 16.03 z powodu dużej ilości nauki.

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