zjebstrike 39 Posted February 21, 2023 (edited) Jak w temacie, poszukujemy aktywnych graczy na pozycje lidera sali. Co wymagamy? Sześć pokemonów pod wybraną sale (Pokemony nie mogą się powtarzać i muszą mieć 100 poziom) Aktywność (Minimum 2-3h dziennie) Kultura osobista (Gracz łamiący regulamin nie ma szans na zostanie liderem) Obowiązuje zakaz pożyczania pokemonów na sale pomiędzy graczami. Gdy podanie zostanie pozytywnie rozpatrzone lider otrzymuję specjalną range podobną do SuperVip i własną sale. Bug - Po27 Grass - Rekrutacja Electric - _NeQu_ Rock - Oskip Ground - Rekrutacja Fighting - Rekrutacja Fire - Szymszym134 Poison - MufinowskiPL Psychic - Rekrutacja Fairy - WitamSmoki Normal - Malwi1 Steel - Kamilud12344 Flying - Kacperski654 Ghost - Bartek15615 Dragon - Tobx Water - Rekrutacja Ice - Bartek198 Dark - Troll551 W podaniach proszę o zawarcie takich rzeczy jak: Na jaką sale chce się startować. Pokemony z jakimi startujecie na sale (Raczej rzecz oczywista, ale różnie już się zdarzało) W opisie pokemonów umieścić informacje takie jak Natura Pokemona, Abilitka, EVs oraz MoveSet (Ataki), które pokemon posiada. Mile widziany Screen Shot (Zrzut Ekranu, który dokonuje się w grze za pomocą klawisza F2) w podaniu. Wszelkie zmiany w składzie po zamieszczeniu już podania. Nie tworzymy dodatkowych postów. Maksymalnie 15 pokemonów w podaniu Za wybór lidera, testy odpowiedzialny jest: Zjebstrike Jeśli trenera nie ma przez 48h na serwerze bez uprzedzenia, automatycznie odpada! Na walki o sale jest 48h. W tym temacie piszemy tylko zgłoszenia! wszystko inne będzie usuwane. Wszelkie pytania kierować do administracji w grze. Zasady panujące na salach Elementarnych: Zakaz itemów leczących poza walką np. Potion/Revive. Zakaz dwóch takich samych pokemonów (np: dwa rotomy) Na salach obowiązuje Sleep Clause (można uśpić jednego pokemona na raz, uśpienie atakiem rest się nie wlicza) Evasion Clause (zakaz double team, minimize, acupressure dodatkowo zakaz ability Moody i itemu bright powder) Zakaz zmian pokemonów (lider może) Zakaz ataku Baton Pass Zakaz ataków S.K.O (Samobójczych): Memento Final Gambit Self-Destruct Explosion Perish Song Healing Wish Lunar Dance Zakazać ataków 1-Hit K.O (Zabijających zawsze w 1 turze): Horn Drill Sheer Cold Fissure Guillotine Zmian nazw pokemona, które mogą wpłynąć na rozwój walki, np.: Nazwanie pokemona Charizard jako "Charizard X", a potem używać np. Charizardite Y. W przypadku naruszenia zasad na sali, walka jest nieważna i gracz może podjąć następną próbę następnego dnia, o ile nie dostał kary od lidera. W przypadku bugu walki, który nie można rozwiązać bez jej przerwania, walka odbywa się od nowa oraz z uleczonymi pokemonami. Lider może wyrzucić gracza z sali, który narusza zasady sali za pomocą komendy (/liderkick ). Zakaz dynamaxów i gigantamaxów. W przypadku niejasności/sporów z liderem, kierujemy zapytania do Opiekunów Liderów. Lider ma obowiązek otwierać salę co najmniej 2 razy w tygodniu. Również oznacza to wysłanie informacji o otwarciu za pomocą komendy /me.(min. x2). Zasady które może ustalić lider na sali: zakaz choice (choice scarf, choice specs, choice band) zakaz trzech dowolnych pokemonów lub WSZYSTKICH legend i jednego pokemona (Lider majacy zakaz legend sam może uzywać jedną legende w teamie) lider może nadać karę graczowi, który denerwuje/prowokuje lidera lub przeszkadza w przeprowadzaniu walk na sali. Lider może nadać karę na okres maksymalnie miesiąca. Lider musi posiadać dowód dla którego daje karę. Zakazane Itemy/Ataki z powodu bugów lub innych rzeczy: Pokemony: Eiscue Itemy: Enigma berry Ataki: Minimize Double team Shell Trap Abilitki: Ostrzeżenia/Degrada lider dostaje za : Brak aktywności 3 dni Dostanie kary w postaci mute ( 1-2 ostrzeżenia ) Dostanie kary w postaci jaila ( degrad i zakaz startowania na lidera ) Skarga 1/2 ostrzeżenia zależne od wykonanych czynów Lider ma świadczyć dobre zachowanie dla graczy na serwerze oraz innych platformach powiązanych z nim (TS3/Discord/Forum). Osoby z zakazem startowania: *Tu możesz być ty* Jeśli ktoś jest liderem na innym serwerze, to tutaj nie może Edited 3 hours ago by zjebstrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meyung 26 Posted February 22, 2023 Heja, nick Meyung Zgłaszam kandydaturę na lidera sali Dark Gyarados @ Gyaradosite Ability: Intimidate EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Crunch - Earthquake - Dragon Dance - Taunt Muk-Alola @ Assault Vest Ability: Poison Touch EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Brave Nature - Gunk Shot - Rock Slide - Pursuit - Shadow Sneak Mandibuzz (F) @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Overcoat EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Relaxed Nature - Toxic - Roost - Defog - Brave Bird Greninja @ Life Orb Ability: Protean EVs: 128 Atk / 128 SpA / 252 Spe Rash Nature - Water Shuriken - Gunk Shot - Low Kick - Ice Beam Incineroar @ Chople Berry Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Brave Nature - Flare Blitz - Iron Head - Fake Out - Roar Grimmsnarl (M) @ Light Clay Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Brave Nature - Spirit Break - Reflect - Light Screen - Thunder Wave Tyranitar @ Assault Vest Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Impish Nature - Rock Tomb - Pursuit - Earthquake - Stone Edge Hydreigon @ Life Orb Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Roar - Nasty Plot - Dragon Pulse - Dark Pulse Bisharp @ Iapapa Berry Ability: Defiant EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature - Swords Dance - Sucker Punch - Iron Head - Aerial Ace Houndoom @ Life Orb Ability: Flash Fire EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Flamethrower - Sludge Bomb - Dark Pulse - Nasty Plot 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kruuul 6 Posted February 22, 2023 Siemano Podanie na sale GRASS Nick:Kruuul Ferrothorn Ability: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 174 Def / 85 SpD Impish Nature - Thunder Wave - Stealth Rock - Leech Seed - Knock Off Ludicolo Ability: Swift Swim EVs: 148 HP / 252 SpA / 108 Spe Modest Nature - Ice Beam - Surf - Rain Dance - Giga Drain Breloom Ability: Technician EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Mach Punch - Spore - Swords Dance - Stone Edge Rotom-Mow Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def Timid Nature - Defog - Pain Split - Discharge - Thunder Wave Venusaur Ability: Overgrow EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD Sassy Nature - Sleep Powder - Sludge Bomb - Synthesis - Leech Seed Cradily Ability: Suction Cups EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Nature - Ancient Power - Toxic - Stealth Rock - Recover Decidueye Ability: Overgrow EVs: 128 Atk / 128 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Shadow Sneak - Sucker Punch - Swords Dance - Hidden Power [Fire] Sceptile Ability: Unburden EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Quick Attack - Energy Ball - Giga Drain - Leaf Storm Rillaboom Ability: Grassy Surge EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk Adamant Nature - Knock Off - Taunt - Superpower - Grassy Glide Ferrothorn Ability: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 22 Def / 234 SpD Sassy Nature - Thunder Wave - Knock Off - Leech Seed - Stealth Rock Shiinotic Ability: Effect Spore EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def Relaxed Nature - Moonblast - Giga Drain - Spore - Strength Sap Amoonguss Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD Calm Nature - Spore - Clear Smog - Synthesis - Giga Drain Serperior Ability: Contrary EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Leaf Storm - Hidden Power [Rock] - Glare - Substitute Arceus-Grass Ability: Multitype EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk Brave Nature - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Extreme Speed - Recover 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2Nobody 1 Posted February 22, 2023 (edited) Groudon Ability: Drought EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Bold Nature - Precipice Blades - Stealth Rock - Heat Crash - Toxic Arcanine Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Impish Nature - Roar - Flare Blitz - Toxic - Morning Sun Torkoal Ability: Drought EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Relaxed Nature - Stealth Rock - Yawn - Lava Plume - Rapid Spin Rotom-Heat Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Sassy Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Toxic - Will-O-Wisp - Volt Switch - Overheat Volcarona Ability: Flame Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Fiery Dance - Quiver Dance - Giga Drain - Bug Buzz Charizard Ability: Blaze EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Dragon Dance - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Flare Blitz Blaziken Ability: Speed Boost EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naughty Nature - Flare Blitz - Poison Jab - Detect - High Jump Kick Cinderace Ability: Libero EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - U-turn - High Jump Kick - Pyro Ball - Sucker Punch Edited February 22, 2023 by 2Nobody chcialem usunac tera type Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zjebstrike 39 Posted February 22, 2023 Podania na sale Grass i Fire można składać do piątku (24/02/2023) Rekrutacja na lidera sali Electric zostaje otwarta! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Szymeczekk_ 0 Posted February 22, 2023 (edited) W dniu 22.02.2023 o 21:42, Szymeczekk_ napisał: hejka rekru na grass venusaur sassy evs hp/sp def ability chlorophyll mvs sleep powder leech seed sludge bomb hidden power ludicolo timid evs spatk/speed ability swift swim mvs giga drain rain dance surf ice beam ferrothorn relaxed evs hp/def/sp def ability iron barbs mvs leech seed stealth rock gyro ball protect cradily careful evs hp/def ability suctioncups mvs recover stockspile rock slide toxic sceptile 1 naughty evs atk/speed ability unburden mvs acrobatics swords dance rock slide eq sceptile 2 naive evs atk/spatk/speed ability overgrow mvs leaf storm giga drain rock tomb dragon pulse rillaboom naughty evs hp/atk ability grassy surge mvs high horsepower grassy glide sd knock off whimsicott naive evs spatk/speed ability prankster mvs tailwind moonblast substitue defog breloom? dopisze go tylko jak znajde pozdrawiam oraz zycze powodzonka ps moj nick Szymeczekk_ ustawil mi sie email jako nazwa, jak bedzie wardf postaram sie zmienic dodaje breloom lonely ability technican mvs mach punch swords dance spore rock tomb ogarnalem jeszcze rotoma kosiarke bold levitate will o wisp volt switch discharge defog Edited February 24, 2023 by zjebstrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Widzek 19 Posted February 23, 2023 Podanie na Fly Nick: SzefTotalny Lugia Ability: Multiscale Tera Type: Psychic EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Aeroblast - Roost - Toxic - Whirlwind Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator Tera Type: Fire EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Careful Nature - Sacred Fire - Thunder Wave - Whirlwind - Defog Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator Tera Type: Fire EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Brave Nature - Defog - Sacred Fire - Earthquake - Brave Bird Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura Tera Type: Dark EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Mild Nature - Dark Pulse - Oblivion Wing - Sucker Punch - U-turn Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura Tera Type: Dark EVs: 124 HP / 4 Atk / 128 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Knock Off - Defog - U-turn - Roost Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura Tera Type: Dark EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Lonely Nature - Knock Off - Oblivion Wing - U-turn - Sucker Punch Arceus-Flying Ability: Multitype Tera Type: Flying EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Flamethrower - Recover - Calm Mind - Judgment Zapdos Ability: Pressure Tera Type: Electric EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Roost - Toxic - Heat Wave - Discharge Zapdos-Galar Ability: Defiant Tera Type: Fighting EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Close Combat - Brave Bird - Thunderous Kick - U-turn Landorus (M) Ability: Sheer Force Tera Type: Ground EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Lax Nature - Earth Power - Knock Off - Focus Blast - Sludge Wave Landorus-Therian (M) Ability: Intimidate Tera Type: Ground EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naughty Nature - Defog - Earthquake - Stone Edge - U-turn Shaymin-Sky Ability: Serene Grace Tera Type: Grass EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Docile Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Hidden Power - Air Slash - Seed Flare - Earth Power Aerodactyl Ability: Rock Head Tera Type: Rock EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Earthquake - Stone Edge - Dual Wingbeat - Iron Head Corviknight Ability: Pressure Tera Type: Flying EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Roost - U-turn - Defog - Brave Bird Skarmory Ability: Sturdy Tera Type: Steel EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Body Press - Counter - Stealth Rock - Roost Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal Tera Type: Ground EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Earthquake - Defog - U-turn - Roost Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y Ability: Drought Tera Type: Fire EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Air Slash - Flamethrower - Roost - Solar Beam Gl Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oliku 2 Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) Witam, składam podanie na fire Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb Ability: Desolate Land EVs: hp/sp.atk/speed Rash Nature - Precipice Blades - Eruption - Solar Beam - Rock Polish Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb Ability: Desolate Land EVs: hp/def/sp.def Impish Nature - Precipice Blades - Heat Crash - Rest - Toxic Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator EVs: hp/def Impish Nature - Sacred Fire - Brave Bird - Toxic - Recover Volcanion Ability: Water Absorb EVs: hp/sp.der Calm Nature - Steam Eruption - Flamethrower - Earth Power - Sludge Bomb Blacephalon Ability: Beast Boost EVs: sp.atk/speed Mild Nature - Mind Blown - Flame Charge - Shadow Ball - Taunt Charizard Ability: Tough Claws EVs: atk/speed Jolly Nature - Dragon Claw - Flare Blitz - Thunder Punch - Dragon Dance Cinderace Ability: Libero EVs: atk/speed Jolly Nature - Pyro Ball - High Jump Kick - Court Change - U-turn Blaziken Ability: Speed Boost EVs: atk/speed Adamant Nature - Flare Blitz - Close Combat - Protect - Thunder Punch Arcanine Ability: Intimidate EVs: hp/def Impish Nature - Play Rough - Extreme Speed - Morning Sun - Will-O-Wisp Ninetales Ability: Drought EVs: sp.atk/speed Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Fire Blast - Freeze-Dry - Moonblast - Solar Beam Edited February 23, 2023 by Oliku Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kacperski654 7 Posted February 23, 2023 Podanie na sale FIRE Rotom-Heat Ability: LevitateEVs: hp/defBold Nature - Volt Switch- Defog - Overheat- Will-o-wisp Ninetales Ability: DroughtEVs: spatk/speedNaive Nature - Solar Beam- Dark Pulse- Flamethrower- Extrasensory Volcanion Ability: Water AbsorbEVs: hp/spatkSerious Nature - Steam Eruption- Overheat- Sludge Bomb- Earth Power Blaziken-Mega Ability: Speed boostEVs: atk/speedAdamant Nature - Flare Blitz- Close Combat- Detect- Thunder Punch Talonflame Ability: Gale WingsEVs: atk/speedAdamant Nature - Flare Blitz- Brave Bird- Roost- U-turn Arcanine Ability: IntimidateEVs: hp/defImpish Nature - Play Rough- Extreme Speed- Morning Sun- Will-o-wisp Charizard-X Ability: Tough ClawsEVs: atk/speedAdamant Nature - Dragon Dance- Fire Punch- Earthquake- Dragon Claw Charizard-Y Ability: DroughtEVs: spatk/speedTimid Nature - Flamethrower- Solar Beam- Scorching Sands- Roost 2 Quote Były lider sal: GRASS PSYCHIC BFMistrzAreny Water DRAGON ELECTRIC E4 x2 BUG GROUND BFPanSalonu Champion Obecnie: Członek E4, Lider Flying Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FilipekEVER 4 Posted February 24, 2023 Hejka moje podanie na STEEL • Skarmory abi: sturdy evs: hp/def nat: impish moveset: - whirlwind - defog - toxic - roost • Metagross abi: clear body evs: atk/speed nat: jolly moveset: - meteor mash - rock slide - earthquake - ice punch • Aegislash abi: stance change evs: hp/spatk/speed nat: modest moveset - shadow ball - close combat - shadow sneak - king's shield • Necrozma abi: Prism armor evs: hp/spdef nat:sassy moveset: - sunsteel strike - stealth rock - moonlight - toxic • Scizor abi: technican evs: hp/atk nat: adamant moveset: - defog - bullet punch - knock off - swords dance • Scizor abi: technican evs: hp/atk nat: adamant moveset: - u-turn - superpower - pursuit - bullet punch • melmetal abi: iron fist evs hp/atk nat: serious moveset: - double iron bash - earthquake - ice punch - superpower • magnezone abi: magnet pull evs: hp/def nat: bold moveset: - body press - volt switch - flash cannon - iron defense • magearna abi: soul heart evs: hp/spdef nat: lax moveset: - volt switch - ice beam - fleur cannon - flash cannon • corviknight abi: pressure natka: relaxed evs hp/def moveset: - roost - defog - u-turn - brave bird • excadrill abi: mold breaker natka: hasty evs atk/speed moveset: - rock tomb - stealth rock - earthquake - swords dance • magnezone abi: sturdy evs: hp/spatk natka: quiet moveset: - steel beam - volt switch - hiddenpower - discharge • empoleon abi: torrent natka: sassy evs: hp/spdef moveset: - scald - rock tomb - ice beam - grass knot Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Majusia_ 1 Posted February 24, 2023 (edited) Nick na sewrie _Majusia_ rekrutuje na sale dark 1 Gyarados(mega) Abiitka Intimidate -> Mold Breaker Naturka Adamant EVS ATK SPEED -Substitue -Dragon dance -Crunch -Waterfall 2 Sableye Abilitka Prankster Naturka Careful EVS HP DEF SP DEF -Detect -Will o Wisp -Knock off -Recover 3 Tyranitar Abilitka Sand Stream Naturka Careful EVS HP ATK SPDEF -Ice Punch -Pursuit -Earthquake -Stone Edge 4 Bisharp Abilitka Defaint Nautrka Adamant EVS HP ATK SPEED -Knock Off -Sucker Punch -Iron Head -Swords Dance 5 Muk-Alola Abilitka Poison touch naturka careful EVS Hp atk sp deff -Knock Off -Gunk Shot -Fire Punch -Shadow Sneak 6 Mandibuzz abilitka overcoat naturka relaxed EVS HP DEF -Roost -Toxic -Foul Play -Defog 7.1 Greninja Abilitka Battle bond Naturka Naive EVS Sptk Speed -Dark pulse -Extrasensory -Water Shuriken -Hydro Pump 7.2 Greninja Abilitka Protean Naturka Naive EVS Atk Speed -U-Turn -Gunk Shot -Dig -Ice Beam 8 Inciniroar Abilitka intimidate Naturka impish evs hp deff -Flare Blitz -Darkest Lariat -Parting Shot -Iron Head 9 Hydreigon Abilitka Levitate Naturka Timid EVS spatk speed -Heat Wave -Flash cannon -Draco Meteor -Dark Pulse 10 Grimmsnarl Abilitka Prankster Naturka Relaxed EVS Hp Def -Reflect -Light Screen -Thunder Wave -Spirit Break UwU Edited February 25, 2023 by _Majusia_ uwu 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosal1v3 19 Posted February 24, 2023 6 godzin temu, kosal1v3 napisał: Siemano moje podanie na Sale FIRE Groudon-Primal Ability: Desolate Land EVs: hp/atk/sp.defBrave Nature - Precipice Blades - Stone Edge- Swords Dance- Heat Crash Arcanine Ability: IntimidateEVs: hp/defRelaxed Nature - Extreme Speed- Flare Blitz- Play Rough- Morning Sun Charizard Ability: DroughtEVs: spatk/speedHasty Nature - Overheat- Air Slash- Scorching Sands- Solar Beam Ho-OhAbility: Regenerator EVs: hp/defBashful Nature - Sacred Fire - Defog- Toxic - Whirlwind Volcanion Ability: Water Absorb EVs: hp/sp.defSassy Nature - Steam Eruption - Overheat - Solar Beam - Defog Blaziken Ability: Speed boostEVs: atk/speedAdamant Nature - Flare Blitz- High Jump Kick- Detect- Thunder Punch Rotom-Heat Ability: LevitateEVs: hp/defRelaxed Nature - Substitute- Discharge- Overheat- Defog Pewnie bede cos zmieniac Pozdro Quote Lider Dragon od 23.08.2023 - 26.04.2024 Członek E4 od 11.10.2024 - 21.02.2025 Były Helper Burmistrz /Warp Pc4 G.O.A.T Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kris0000 1 Posted February 24, 2023 (edited) Siemka, podanie na Fire Torkoal Ability: Drought EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature - Rapid Spin - Yawn - Solar Beam - Clear Smog Volcanion Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD Timid Nature - Steam Eruption - Sludge Bomb - Earth Power - Flamethrower Groudon-Primal Ability: Drought EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Mild Nature - Precipice Blades - Solar Beam - Rock Polish - Overheat Charizard Ability: Drought EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Solar Beam - Air Slash - Dragon Pulse - Scorching Sands Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Toxic - Recover - Brave Bird - Whirlwind Arcanine Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Close Combat - Extreme Speed - Wild Charge - Outrage Cinderace Ability: Libero EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - U-turn - Sucker Punch - High Jump Kick - Pyro Ball Edited February 24, 2023 by Kris0000 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B-rubbit 3 Posted February 24, 2023 (edited) W dniu 22.02.2023 o 23:56, B-rubbit napisał: Hej Podanie na sale dark Sableye Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Relaxed Nature - Will-O-Wisp - Zen Headbutt - Poison Jab - Recover Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Dual Wingbeat - U-turn - Sucker Punch - Knock Off Grimmsnarl Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Reflect - Light Screen - Thunder Wave - Spirit Break Muk-Alola Ability: Poison Touch EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Atk Adamant Nature - Knock Off - Poison Jab - Fire Punch - Rock Slide Hydreigon Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP Naive Nature - Draco Meteor - Flamethrower - Flash Cannon - Earth Power Bisharp Ability: Defiant EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def Brave Nature - Sucker Punch - Aerial Ace - Iron Head - Stone Edge Greninja Ability: Protean EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Water Shuriken - Ice Beam - Dark Pulse - Gunk Shot Tyranitar Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA Modest Nature - Flamethrower - Thunderbolt - Rock Slide - Ice Beam Tyranitar Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Sassy Nature - Fire Blast - Earthquake - Power-Up Punch - Rock Slide Weavile Ability: Pressure EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Ice Shard - Swords Dance - Brick Break - Knock Off Honchkrow Ability: Moxie EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Heat Wave - Brave Bird - Sucker Punch - Superpower Umbreon Ability: Inner Focus EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Calm Nature - Heal Bell - Toxic - Wish - Dark Pulse Zoroark Ability: Illusion EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Flamethrower - Grass Knot - Sludge Bomb - Night Daze Incineroar Ability: Intimidate EVs 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Fake Out - Bulldoze - Flare Blitz - Darkest Lariat Mandibuzz Ability: Overcoat EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Brave Bird - Toxic - Defog - Roost dodaje mandibuza Cytat Edited February 25, 2023 by B-rubbit 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zjebstrike 39 Posted February 24, 2023 (edited) Szymeczekk_ - szukamy aktywniejszych osób na stanowisko lidera Kacperski654 - szukamy aktywniejszych osób na stanowisko lidera Oliku - szukamy aktywniejszych osób na stanowisko lidera Na walki o sale dostają się: Grass: Kruuul Krajgutokocur Fire: 2Nobody KosaL1V3 Kris0000 Czas na walki do niedzieli (26/02/2023) Od tej pory nie możecie nic zmieniać w pokemonach z podania, żeby potem nie było znowu osoby co przychodzi z pokemonem który nie zgadza się z podania. Podań też nie można już dodawać jeśli ktoś nie rozumie. Edited February 25, 2023 by zjebstrike 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dziki_Konik_XD 22 Posted February 28, 2023 (edited) Witam podanie na flying Aerodactyl Ability: Pressure EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Iron Head - Earthquake - Dual Wingbeat - Stone Edge Mantine Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Sassy Nature - Scald - Defog - Roost - Toxic Skarmory Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Relaxed Nature - Body Press - Stealth Rock - Roost - Whirlwind Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Serious Nature - Knock Off - U-turn - Sucker Punch - Dual Wingbeat Landorus-Therian (M) Ability: Intimidate EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Defog - Stone Edge - Earthquake - U-turn Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Sacred Fire - Toxic - Recover - Defog Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Earthquake - Defog - Knock Off - Roost Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Sand Tomb - Taunt - Roost - Toxic Pidgeot Ability: Tangled Feet EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Hurricane - Heat Wave - Roost - Toxic Charizard Ability: Blaze EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Overheat - Scorching Sands - Air Slash - Solar Beam Edited February 28, 2023 by Dziki_Konik_XD 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Margaseq 0 Posted February 28, 2023 (edited) Siemka podanie na lidera steel Metagross (mega) naturka : naive abilitka : ClearBody ivs : atk/speed (28/30) moveset: body press/earthquake/meteor mash/zen headbutt Aegislash naturka: sassy abilitka : StanceChange ivs : hp/def/sdef (24/27/28) moveset: kings shield/shadow ball/iron head/toxic Empoleon naturka: sassy abilitka : Torrent Ivs: hp/def/sdef (28/21/26) moveset: scald/ice beam/hydro pump/rock tomb Magearna naturka: naive abilitka: Soulheart ivs: s.atk/speed (12/18) moveset: flash cannon/fleur cannon/volt switch/ice beam Skarmory naturka: relaxed abilitka: sturdy ivs: hp/def (21/30) moveset: stealh rock/whirl wind/roost/toxic Excadrill naturka: naive abilitka: moldbreaker ivs: atk/speed (28/24) moveset: earthquake/swords dance/iron head/rock slide Edited February 28, 2023 by Margaseq Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patro1029 2 Posted March 2, 2023 Witam, z tej strony Patro1029 A to moje podanie na Flying Arceus Ability: Multitype EVS: 252 Hp / 6 Def / 252 Speed Timid Nature - Calm Mind - Earth Power - Judgment - Recover Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator EVS: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 6 SpDef Impish Nature - Sacred Fire - Toxic - Brave Bird - Roost Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura EVS: 6 Atk / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Mild Nature - Oblivion Wing - Knock Off - Sucker Punch - U-Turn Rayquaza Ability: Air Lock EVS: 6 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Speed Quirky Nature - Dragon Dance - Extreme Speed - Iron Head - Dragon Claw Celesteela Ability: Beast Boost EVS: 252 Hp / 71 SpAtk / 187 SpDef Modest Nature - Leech Seed - Fire Blast - Protect - Toxic Thundurus Ability: Volt Absorb EVS: 6 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Hasty Nature - Discharge - Flash Cannon - Grass Knot - Sludge Bomb Salamence Ability: Intimidate -> Aerialite EVS: 252 Atk / 6 SpAtk / 252 Speed Naive Nature - Dragon Dance - Double-Edge - Flamethrower - Earthquake Salamence Ability: Intimidate -> Aerialite EVS: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 6 SpDef Impish Nature - Roost - Toxic - Body Slam - Dragon Tail Aerodactyl Ability: Pressure -> Tough Claws EVS: 6 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Speed Hasty Nature - Earthquake - Thunder Fang - Fire Fang - Iron Head Ninjask Ability: Speed Boost EVS: 6 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Speed Lonely Nature - Swords Dance - Protect - Baton Pass - Flail Xatu Ability: Magic Bounce EVS: 6 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Modest Nature - Heat Wave - Air Slash - Wish - Psychic Skarmory Ability: Sturdy EVS: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 6 SpDef Relaxed Nature - Toxic - Roost - Rock Tomb - Whirlwind Mantine Ability: Water Absorb EVS: 252 Hp / 6 Def / 252 SpDef Calm Nature - Toxic - Haze - Roost - Scald Honchkrow Ability: Moxie EVS: 252 Hp / 252 Atk / 6 Speed Adamant Nature - Taunt - Night Slash - Brave Bird - Sucker Punch Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal EVS: 252 Hp / 6 Atk / 252 Def Relaxed Nature - Roost - Knock Off - Defog - Earthquake 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zjebstrike 39 Posted March 4, 2023 (edited) Kris0000 - zostajesz wykluczony, 6 dni off KosaL1V3 - zostajesz wykluczony i dostajesz zakaz startowania na sale za pożyczanie pokemonów na rekrutacje Ze względu na słabe wyniki rekrutacja na lidera sali Fire zostaje wznowiona! Nowym liderem sali Grass zostaje krajgutokocur! SzefTotalny - nie możesz startować na sale po banie i oszukiwaniu w konkursie top lidera B_Rubbit i _Majusia_ - szukamy aktywniejszych osób na stanowisko lidera Podania na sale Flying, Dark i Steel można składać do poniedziałku (06/03/2023) Rekrutacja na lidera sali Ice zostaje otwarta! Edited March 4, 2023 by zjebstrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_NeQu_ 6 Posted March 4, 2023 (edited) Siema tu NeQu i moje podanie na sale Dark Yveltal Nature: Jolly Ability: Dark Aura Evs: Atk/Speed U-Turn Knock Off Sucker Punch Dual Wingbeat Sableye Mega Nature: Sassy Ability: Magic Bounce Evs: Hp/Spdef Toxic W-O-W Knock Off Recover Mandibuzz Nature: Impish Ability: Overcoat Evs: Hp/Def Toxic Roost Defog Brave Bird Greninja Nature: Naive Ability: BattleBond Evs: Spatk/Speed Ice Beam Surf Dark Pulse Water Shuriken Greninja Nature: Hasty Ability: Protean Evs: Atk/Spatk/Speed U-Turn Ice Beam Gunk Shot Water Shuriken Greninja Nature: Jolly Ability: Protean Evs: Atk/Speed Dig Waterfall Gunk Shot Ice Punch Muk Alolan Nature: Sassy Ability: Poison Touch Evs: Hp/Spdef Gunk Shot Fire Punch Rock Slide Shadow Sneak Bisharp Nature: Adamant Ability: Defiant Evs: Hp/Atk Sucker Punch Swords Dance Knock Off Iron Head Crawdaunt Nature: Naughty Ability: Adaptability Evs: Atk/Speed Swords Dance Crabhammer Knock Off Taunt Malamar Nature: Adamant Ability: Contrary Evs: Hp/Atk Sleep Talk Rest Knock Off Superpower Krookodile Nature: Jolly Ability: Moxie Evs: Atk/Speed Earthquake Scale Shot Crunch Rock Slide Grimmsnarl Nature: Relaxed Ability: Prankster Evs: Hp/Def Reflect Light Screen Thunder Wave Play Rought Tyranitar Nature: Sassy Ability: Sand Stream Evs: Hp/Spdef Rock Tomb Rest Pursuit Stealth Rock Tyranitar Mega Nature: Jolly Ability: Sand Stream Evs: Atk/Speed Dragon Dance Earthquake Stone Edge Crunch Incineroar Nature: Adamant Ability: Intimidate Evs: Hp/Atk Iron Head Fake Out Flare Blitz Parting Shot Gyarados Mega Nature: Jolly Ability: Mold Breaker Evs: Atk/Speed Dragon Dance Eearthquake Waterfall Crunch Hydreigon Nature: Hasty Ability: Levitate Evs: Spatk/Speed Draco Meteor Dark Pulse Fire Blast Flash Cannon Sharpedo Mega Nature: Naughty Ability: Strong Jaw Evs: Atk/Speed Crunch Protect Psychic Fangs Liquidation Edited March 5, 2023 by _NeQu_ 1 Quote Lider Dragon 12.07.2021 - 06.11.2021 Lider Fire 18.11.2021 - 23.03.2022 Lider Ice 01.11.2022 - 04.03.2023 Lider Dark 09.03.2023 - 25.03.2023 Lider Flying 26.02.2024 - 08.04.2024 Lider Ground 23.06.2024 - 01.09.2024 Lider Electric 06.12.2024 - ... Były Burmistrz Miasta PCS Lider Gildii NiceTry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taki_fajny 3 Posted March 4, 2023 Witam ponownie, poniżej moje podanie na salę Ice 1. Avalugg Ability: Sturdy Nature: Relaxed EVS: HP/DEF Moveset: Rapid Spin I Body Press I Recover I Iron Defense 2. Weavile Ability: Pressure Nature: Naive EVS: ATK/SPEED Moveset: Low Kick I Fake Out I Triple Axel I Knock Off 3. Froslass Ability: Cursed Body Nature: Timid EVS: SPATK/SPEED Moveset: Taunt I Icy Wind I Destiny Bond I Shadow Ball 4. a) Mamoswine Ability: Thick Fat Nature: Adamant EVS: HP/ATK/SPDEF Moveset: Stone Edge I Ice Shard I Icicle Crash I Earthquake b) Mamoswine Ability: Thick Fat Nature: Naive EVS: ATK/SPEED Moveset: Icicle Crash I Ice Shard I Earthquake I Knock Off 5. Alolan Ninetales Ability: Snow Warning Nature: Timid EVS: SPATK/SPEED Moveset: Aurora Veil I Overheat I Freezy Dry I Moonblast 6. Beartic Ability: Slush Rush Nature: Naive EVS: ATK/SPEED Moveset: Play Rough I Superpower I Icicle Crash I Aqua Jet 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oliku 2 Posted March 5, 2023 (edited) Witam, składam podanie na Flying Rayquaza-Mega Ability: Delta Stream EVs: atk / speed Jolly Nature - Dragon Ascent - Earthquake - Extreme Speed - Dragon Dance Yveltal Ability: Dark Aura EVs: atk/speed Lonely Nature - Knock Off - Sucker Punch - Oblivion Wing - U-turn Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal EVs: hp/def Impish Nature - Earthquake - U-turn - Defog - Roost Ho-Oh Ability: Regenerator EVs: hp/def Impish Nature - Sacred Fire - Brave Bird - Defog - Recover Lugia Ability: Multiscale EVs: hp/def Relaxed Nature - Aeroblast - Roost - Toxic - Whirlwind Skarmory Ability: Sturdy EVs: hp/def Impish Nature - Body Press - Counter - Stealth Rock - Roost Aerodactyl-Mega Ability : Tough Claws EVs: atk/speed Jolly Nature -Earthquake -Stone Edge -Dragon Dance -Dual Wingbet Edited March 6, 2023 by Oliku Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kito 0 Posted March 5, 2023 Dobry składam podanie o Lidera sali Steel Mega Lucario abilitka-steadfast ev-spatak/speed natura hasty ataki Dark puls dragon puls aura sphere nasty plot Excadrill abilitka-moldBreaker ev-atak/speed natura adament ataki earthquake rapid spin sword dance rock slide Aegislash abilitka-stanceChange ev-hp/atak natura adament ataki king s shield sword dance shadow sneak iron head Empoleon abilitka torrent ev-hp/spdef natura calm ataki scald rock tomb hydro pump ice beam Bisharp abilitka defiant ev-atak/speed natura naughty ataki night slash iron head sword dance assirance Skarmory abilitka sturdy ev-hp/def natura impish ataki metal claw brave bird iron defance spikes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kacperski654 7 Posted March 6, 2023 Siema, tu moje podanie na sale ELECTRIC Zapdos Ability: Pressure Bashful nature EVs: HP/Def Heat Wave Discharge Roost Defog Rotom-Frost Ability: Levitate Bold nature EVs: HP/Def Volt Switch Will-o-wisp Blizzard Defog Zeraora Ability: Volt Absorb Bashful nature EVs: Atk/Spatk/Speed Volt Switch Close Combat Plasma Fists Grass Knot Alolan Raichu Ability: Surge Surfer Hasty nature EVs: Spatk/Speed Rising Voltage Psychic Surf Hidden Power Oricorio Ability: Dancer Naive nature EVs: Spatk/Speed Revelation Dance Air Slash Hurricane Icy Wind Tapu Koko (1) Ability: Electric Terrain Hasty nature EVs: Spatk/Speed Dazzling Gleam Taunt U-turn Grass Knot Tapu Koko (2) Ability: Electric Terrain Jolly nature EVs: Hp/Speed U-turn Reflect Light Screen Wild Charge Mega Manectric Ability: Lightning Rod -> Intimidate Hasty nature EVs: Spatk/Speed Volt Switch Thunderbolt Hidden Power Flamethrower Electivire Ability: Motor Drive Naive nature EVs: Atk/Speed Wild Charge Ice Punch Low Kick Earthquake Toxtricity Ability: Punk Rock Naive nature EVs: Atk/Spatk/Speed Shift Gear Poison Jab Boomburst Overdrive Galvantula Ability: Compound Eyes Hasty nature EVs: Spatk/Speed Giga drain Discharge Bug Buzz Sticky Web Zekrom Ability: Teravolt Timid nature evs: atk/speed dragon dance bolt strike substibute Outrage Quote Były lider sal: GRASS PSYCHIC BFMistrzAreny Water DRAGON ELECTRIC E4 x2 BUG GROUND BFPanSalonu Champion Obecnie: Członek E4, Lider Flying Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManiekPlywak 2 Posted March 6, 2023 Siemka, z tej strony ManiekPlywalk Aplikuje na lidera Sali Dark Tyranitar Ability: Sand Stream EVS: HP 148 / DEF 212 / S.Def 150 Naturka: Impish Mvs: Rest Earthquake Rock Slide Pursuit Greninja Ability: Protean EVS: S.ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / ATK 6 Naturka: Mild Mvs: Dark Pulse U-Turn Water Shuriken Ice Beam Mandibuzz Ability: Overcoat EVS: HP 252 / DEF 252 / ATK 4 / S.ATK 2 Naturka: Relaxed Mvs: TOXIC Foul Play Defog Roost Cacturne Ability: Sand Veil EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / HP 6 Naturka: Lonely Mvs: Sucker Punch Seed Bomb Thunder Punch Swords Dance Morpeko Ability: Hunger Switch EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / DEF 6 Naturka: Naive Mvs: Aura Wheel Crunch Parting Shot Seed Bomb Pangoro Ability: Iron Fist EVS: ATK 252 /HP 252 / DEF 6 Naturka: Brave Mvs: Bulk Up Bullet Punch Hammer Arm Crunch Mega Gyarados Ability: Intimidate EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / HP 6 Naturka: Jolly Mvs: WatterFall Dragon Dance Crunch Earthquake Skuntank Ability: Stench EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / HP 6 Naturka: Jolly Mvs: Sucker Punch Crunch Poison Jab Defog Muk - Alolan Ability: Poison Touch EVS: HP 252 / ATK 252 / DEF 6 Naturka: Adamant Mvs: Knock Off Gunk Shot Shadow Sneak Fire Punch Bisharp Ability: Defiant EVS: HP 252 / ATK 252 / SPEED 6 Naturka: Adamant Mvs: Sucker Punch Iron Head Swords Dance X-Scissor Scrafty Ability: Moxie EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / SP.DEF 6 Naturka: Jolly Mvs: Crunch DragonDance Ice Punch High Jump Kick Grimmsnarl Ability: Prankster EVS: HP 252 / DEF 154 / SP.DEF 104 Naturka: sassy Mvs: Spirit Break reflect light screen thunder wave Weavile Ability: Pressure EVS: ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / HP 6 Naturka: Jolly Mvs: Swords Dance Knock Off Triple Axel Psycho Cut Mega Sableye Ability: Prankster EVS: HP 252 / DEF 126 / S.DEF 132 Naturka: Relaxed Mvs: Foul Play Knock Off Recover Will-o-Wisp Hydreigon Ability: Levitate EVS: SP.ATK 252 / SPEED 252 / HP 4 Naturka: Naive Mvs: Dark Pulse Defog Fire Blast Drago Meteor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites