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Większość z tych pokemonów jest zrobiona jak ktoś chce ss to pisać na dc szredzio#1060

szybka legenda: (H)=Hiden, (HP)=Hiden Power,(Alola)=Alolańska Forma,(Galar)=Galariańska Forma

(BB)=Battle Bond(Ashe-Greninja)



Gyarados 30/31 jolly 5s
Gyarados 27/31 Adamant 3s
Gyarados 29/31 jolly 5s
(H) Gyarados 31/23 Naive 4s
Gyarados 31/31 naive 6s
Lucario(sp) Timid 25/25 1s
Lucario Jolly 27/29 2s
Lucario(sp) Hasty 31/31 8s
Lucario Hasty 30/31 6s
Lucario Adamant 31/23 5s
Salamance Relaxed 31/31 7s
Salamance Impish 31/28 8s
Salamance Jolly 21/31 7s
Salamance Hasty 27/29 5s
Salamance naive 31/23 3s
Kangaskhan Brave 31/30 3s
Kangaskhan Brave 31/29 3s
Weavile Naive 24/31 5s
Conkeldurr Adamant 22/26 5s
(H)Conkeldurr Adamant 13/10 2s
Mimikyu Sassy 22/28/12 32ck
Mimikyu Adamant 25/23 2s
Mimikyu Jolly 28/28 5s
Garchomp Naive 23/26 2s
Scizor Brave Atak/Def 25/27 2s
Scizor Brave 24/28 4s
Scizor Adamant 30/24 4s
Scizor Relaxed 28/29 4s
Darmanitan(Galar) 31/31 lonely 4s
Darmanitan Hasty 28/22 1s
Heracross Naive 17/27 1s
Heracross Adamant 23/23 1.32s
Blaziken(H) Adamant 24/10 2s
Blaziken(H) Naughty 31/15 1s
Blaziken Adamant 26/22 1s
Blaziken Jolly 25/27 1s
Blaziken(H) Rash 23/12 32ck
Blaziken(H) Jolly 23/31 3s
Blaziken(H) Rash 27/26 2s
Blaziken(H) Adamant 22/30 5s
Blaziken(H) Naughty 23/31 5s
Charizard Jolly 31/28 3s
Swampert Adamant 24/21 1s
Slaking Adamant 29/25 1s
Bisharp Adamant 22/28 1s
Bisharp Brave 20/29 1s
Doublade Adamant 30/23 3s
Snorlax Quiet 30/30 1s
Snorlax(H) Naughty 21/10 2s
Marowak Brave 29/28 2s
Pinsit Naive 30/31 1s
Dracovish Adamant 26/25 1s
Breloom Adamant 21/27 1s
Crawdaunt Naughty(H) 17/31 3s
Golisopod Brave 31/28 2s
Honchkrow(H) Adamant 30/26 3s
Electivire Hasty 27/31 4s
Beartic 28/29 2s
Scolipede(H) Lonely 26/24 3s
Machamp Adamant 30/29 2s
Cloyster Adamant 29/28 3s
Cloyster Adamant 31/10 1s
Diggersby(H) Hasty 16/28 2s
Primeape Jolly 29/31 2s
Crobat Naive 24/31 4s
Haxorus Naive 27/28 2s
Arcanine Jolly 28/23 1s
Kingdra Modest 31/31 4s
KIngdra Jolly 26/28 2s
Aggron Adamant 27/31 1s
Mamoswine(H) Adamant 13/16 1s
Krookodile Jolly 12/31 1s
Kecleon(H) brave 31/28 7s
Bewear Adamant 27/25 1s
Azumarill Brave 29/27 3s
Eelektross Brave 30/29 3s
Hitmonlee(H) Naughty 17/27 3s
Toucannon Adamant 20/31 1s
Lopunny Naive 25/30 1s
Lopunny Naive 27/31 4s
Incineroar(H) Adamant 31/25 6s
Dugtrio Lonely 26/31 1s
Muk(Alola) Carefuk 22/30 3s
Muk(Alola) Brave 27/28 5s
Dragaoult Hasty 25/30 5s
Dragapuly Naive 25/25 2s
Rillaboom(H) Lonely 26/15 1s
Aerodactyl Naive 23/31 5s
Durant Jolly 31/27 1s
Durant(H) Timid 6/22 1s
Crustle Jolly 31/31 2s
Donphan Adamant 25/30 2s
Barraskewda(H) Adamant 28/21 2s
Whimsicott Naive 29/28 2s
Vivillon Hasty 28/27 2s
Golduck Naive 29/31 1s
Inteleon Hasty 28/25 1s
Espeon Hasty 9/14 1s
Hydragon Hasty 25/25 1s
Hydragon Modest 31/29 3s
Serperior(H)(HP Steel) Naive 21/29 2s
Chandelure Modest 28/18 1s
Chandelure Timid 27/20 2s
Chandelure Timid 28/29 3s
Gengar Naive 30/31 4s
Gengar Hasty 26/31 3s
Gengar Hasty 30/31 4s
Blastoise Timid 31/31 2s
Primarina Modest 25/12/27 32ck
Toxtricity Rash 24/31/19 1s
Magnezone(hp fire) Modest 30/24 4s
Alakazam Naive 20/31 3s
Sceptile Timid 31/31 4s
Weezing(Galar) Relaxed 30/25 3s
Weezing Bold 29/20 2s
Weezing Modest 29/23 2s
Vanillux Hasty 27/25 2s
Galvantula Timid 25/30 2s
Galvantula Naive 29/31 4s
Porygon2 Bold 31/31 5s
Porygon-Z Timid 18/28 1s
Volcarona Mild 31/28 2s
Venomoth Hasty 22/31 2s
Nidoking(H) Timid 24/19 2s
Pyroar Hasty 28/25 2s
Xatu(H) Timid 21/21 2s
Yanmega Rash 30/31 2s
Yanmega Modest 29/29 3s
Pidgeot Hasty 25/31 3s
Togekiss rash 25/31 1s
Togekiss Naive 29/31 3s
Togekiss Timid 29/31 5s
Ninetales(H) Modest 23/31 3s
Ninetales(Alola)(H) Timid 15/31 5s
Sableye(H) Careful 25/28 3s
Sableye(H) Calm 26/21 3s
Sableye(H) Bold 30/27 4s
Rotom(Heat) Relaxed 25/15 1s
Rotom(Heat) Relaxed 26/28 2s
Rotom(Wash) Relaxed 31/30 4s
Tangrowth(H) Bold 21/31 5s
Alomomola(H) Bold 22/28 3s
Amoonguss(H)(HP Ice) Relaxed 20/25
Reuniclus Relaxed 27/31 3s
Tyranitar Adamant 27/24 3s
Tyranitar Relaxed 30/28 3s
Tyranitar Impish 20/24 2s
Aegislash Sassy 30/22 3s
Aegislash sassy 26/25 3s
Aegislash Relaxed 27/31 4s
Venusaur(Hp Fire) Calm 25/29 6s
Venusaur Relaxed 29/25 2s
Dusclops Relaxed 26/25 3s
Pelipper Relaxed 30/31 4s
Pelipper Bold 27/24 3s
Corvinight Impish 23/24 3s
Quagsire(H) Impish 28/27 6s
Klefki Relaxed 17/27 1s
Hippowdon impish 31/26 3s
Hippowdon Relaxed 27/27 2s
Hippowdon Relaxed 31/26 4s
Slowbro(H) Bold 13/24 1s
Slowbro(H) Relaxed 21/28 5s
Tentacruel Calm 24/28 2s
Tentacruel Bold 25/26 2s
Wobbuffet Relaxed 26/30 1s
Turtonator Relaxed 29/27 3s
Gastrodon Bold 24/27 3s
Skarmory Bold 26/31 6s
Greninja(BB) 21/24 10s
Greninja(H) Jolly 21/31 15s
Greninja(BB) Jolly 25/30 8s
Empoleon Sassy 24/31 4s
Florges Impish 26/27 2s
Blissy Careful 30/29 5s
Blissy Careful 29/29 4s
Malamar Careful 30/21 2s
Orbeetle Careful 21/25 1s
Gardevoir Calm 27/28 3s
Jellicent Calm 21/21 2s
Coalossal Sassy 31/31/29 3s
Bronzong Sassy 28/31/21 2s
Araquanid Careful 25/21 3s

Torkoal Bold 30/21 2s
Ditto(H) 29HP 5s
Komoo-o Naive 20/30 3s

Metagross Naive 21/31 6s

Metagross jolly 28/25 3s

Metagross naive 21/31 7s

Greninja(BB) Rash 26/21 8s

Cinderace(H) Hasty 8/30 8s
Greninja(H) Naive 25/27/31 Cena do Negocjacji

Greninja(H) Rash 31/19 9s

Gothitella(H) Sassy 22/31 7s

Excadrill(H) jolly 12/26 2s

Do Zrobienia:

Darumaka(Galar) Naive 31/29 32ck

Dusclops Calm 22/31/22 1s

Eiscue Naive 25/24 32ck

Vallaby Careful 28/30/22 1s

Tyranitar Adamant 29/22/30/21 3s

Tailow Naive 22/31 1s

Nosepass Bold 24/24/28 1s

Eevee Relaxed 28/28 32ck

SIgilyph Relaxed 29/27 32ck

Corsola(H) Relaxed 18/16 32ck

Shroomish Jolly 6/28 32ck

Shieldon Relaxed 26/28 16ck

Rhyhorn Relaxed 21/28 16ck

Gardeviur 22/29 32ck

Lairon Impish 23/26 32ck

Rhyhron(H) Impish 31/22 32ck

Charjabug Timid 26/31 16ck

Morpeko Hasty 29/21 16ck

Slowpoke(H) Relaxed 24/19 1s

Honedge Impish 27/25 32ck

Happiny Relaxed 29/28 1s

Probopass Bold 28/25 32ck

Bulbasaur(H) Modest 20/22 1s

Ludicolo Rash 28/31 32ck

Crogunk Naive 25/31 1s

Gastly Timid 16/31 16ck

Pidove Adamant 29/29 16ck

Honedge Relaxed 29/31 32 ck





Edited by szredzio

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